Thursday, July 31, 2008

graveyard shift no more

i shut the door behind me and looked up. it's been a while since i felt like this. looking at the sky, i've learned to appreciate the warmth of the sun that penetrates my skin. it's really been a long time...i used to walk in the dark. i had to do it for so many months and for some, even years. now the sun is looking down at me, kissing my face and arms. it felt good. i feel right at home - sentiments ng isang call center agent na kaka-resign lang. (texted by jabi)

i almost felt that way... i almost say those words. i almost quit... resign... from the call center industry.

my field is known for shift work... designed to make use of the 24 hours of the clock, rather than a standard working day. shift work includes both long term night and morning shifts.

Generally, our "first shift" refers to the night shift (opener) 8pm5am, with "mid shift" running from 9pm-6am, 10pm-7am, and so on.., and "third shift" (closer) 6am-3pm.

i had a real bad time with GY shift. i hate it.. i will never get used to it.. when the opportunity came when we had to do shift bid... i grabbed it. shift bid happens quarterly. agents change sked every three months.. good thing only a few wants the third shift because they are more concerned on the night differential (more money is involved here).

after couple of months, the morning shift gained popularity.. more people realized there's no substitute for a normal life. sleeping at night..seeing the sun shines on you..doing extra curricular activities after office risks free!!

next shift bid came. this is a tough one because performance on the floor is the name of the game. stats involved. only those who did well on the floor can get their preferred sked..

for about 2 years.. i've been enjoying the morning shift..

and YES..i have a very normal life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dayshift gained popularity because the dream team came from the dayshift. that team didnt concern themselves with the extra money that the night shift would offer. and because of the normal life, regardless of the off days, dayshift is dayshift. :)

well made blog my friend.